Materials for Sister Eileen and Her Boyz
Discussion Questions for Sister Eileen and Her Boyz
What is the meaning of the word stigma?
How does it apply to those affected or infected by HIV in the 1980’s and early 1990’s?
What were the needs of those affected or infected by HIV in the 1980’s and 1990’s? Were these
needs getting met?
How was Sister Eileen situated at the beginning of the HIV crisis? What was her educational background? Moral/Ethical background?
Did Sister Eileen have any hesitations about getting involved with the crisis?
When you think about activism, what images come to mind?
Is Sister Eileen an activist? Or an ally?
What are pros of telling a story of the HIV crisis through Sister Eileen? What are the cons?
What does it mean in the end of the film when Sister Eileen recounts being told, “You will just
be grieving for the rest of your life”?